Light Therapy Desensitization

Michael P Lebowitz DC 11279 E Beck Lane, Scottsdale, AZ 85255    970 623-9565


Visible light is like a multivitamin, consisting of many different frequencies ranging from approximately 400-700 nm. Selective malabsorption due to emotional trauma, wearing glasses or contact lenses, being indoors etc., can contribute to organ dysfunction, various subclinical maladies, and repression of unpleasant/traumatic memories. Just like prescribing specific nutrients- prescribing treatments with specific frequencies of light can help restore normal homeostasis and thus stabilize your patient.

Key Words: Light, Color, Desensitization


Color therapy, the use of full spectrum lighting, etc. have been the focus of research for many decades. Pioneers such as Dinshah (1), Babbitt (2), Spitler (3), and Ott (4) have brought many valuable findings to the field of light and health. Approximately 25 years ago, Jacob Liberman O.D., PhD. (5) started using specific frequencies of the visible light spectrum to successfully treat a wide diversity of symptoms. I will be quoting heavily from a paper I wrote for the ICAK in 1993 called Spectra View Technique (6).

Liberman feels that there are three factors that block biological receptivity or absorption of selective frequencies of visible light. The first is excessive time spent under artificial light. Artificial light being imbalanced compared to sunlight causes certain body sensors to lose part of their function according to Liberman. The second is excessive use of sunglasses or tinted glasses. The third, physical or emotional trauma, may cause certain sensors to close down such that even if people are exposed to certain frequencies of light, they may not fully absorb them.

Liberman hypothesized that stimulating the body (through the eyes) with the portion of the spectrum that is blocked will cause the “unstimulated sensor to awaken”. In his clinical experience he found that having people look at certain colors would evoke different emotional responses varying from depression to elation. He decided to treat (having the patient look at certain colors through an apparatus) with the colors that made people uncomfortable or exacerbated their symptoms. By doing this, peoples’ addictive behavior would change, often intensifying at first but then resolving. He also found that old unresolved emotional issues and memories would resurface and with further treatment resolve along with their physical symptoms.”

Being intrigued by his work in the early 1990s with the help of a patient we developed a machine called the Spectra View that had the option of looking at any one of 106 different light frequencies or colors and we started our research.


Following Liberman’s theories, we decided to do something opposite to our usual way of thinking. We treated with the frequencies or colors that caused inhibition of an intact muscle to mimic in a sense Libermans treating with colors that made the patient uncomfortable. We would use 2 colors per session 10 minutes each and then the next treatment retest those and either retreat with them if they still caused inhibition, or move on and test others. To get through them all often took 20-70 sessions so we only did it on very select patients. I had perhaps my two most dramatic results on any patients that I ever had in practice by utilizing the technique. About half the cases we treated had dramatic results ( DC gave up a 25 year habit of chewing tobacco after session 7 which was something we were not focusing on), while the other half had no discernable change. I stopped the technique after a year as it just didn’t fit into my one room practice but will mention the 2 most dramatic case histories before moving on to newer applications.

Case Histories

1.      Alice is a personal friend and she was 45 years old when we did the treatments. She suffered from continual shoulder pain, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, as well as debilitating left rhomboid pain aggravated by stress. She had lost vision in one eye seven years previously as a result of a car accident. The top eye hospital on the east coast told her the vision loss was permanent. She suffered from depression and unknown to me at the time had tried to commit suicide three weeks prior to starting the treatment. Previous treatment by me had yielded only very temporary alleviation of her pain (using standard AK and nutrition). During the spectra view therapy we discontinued all other treatment. Alice also had a doormat personality- just asking to be taken advantage of by others and had virtually no self-worth despite being a very talented woman. After session one (looking at the colors that weakened – 2 colors ten minutes each) the left rhomboid pain as well as the shoulder pain and chest pain vanished, never to return except for a brief period during another session that was especially traumatic. After session four, her energy which had been very low since her accident returned to normal. The psychological abuse she continually received from her husband no longer effected her. Session six caused extreme pain behind the eye she was blind in and session seven brought vision back to her eye. During session ten she “saw” her mother beaten by her father when Alice was just an infant and her father trying to strangle her (she was later able to confirm this incident while talking to her mother). She also saw her birth (she was a home birth) and also verified the furniture in the room, etc. in a conversation with her mother. Subsequent sessions brought new memories, headaches, nightmares, etc. It took 31 sessions before she tested clear. By then Alice was asymptomatic, no longer a “doormat” and had a zest for life. Once her children moved out of the house she divorced and became a happy, healthy, fulfilled, independent woman.

2.      Paula was 19 years old and had just gotten engaged. At 19 she had already been married and divorced twice. At 5 foot 5 inches she weighed 265 pounds. I had treated her a number of times helping various musculoskeletal issues but was unsuccessful with weight loss. She agreed to undergo a 7 day water fast and did not lose one pound. Shortly after that we commenced treatment. All in all it took about sixty sessions. After one particular session she remembered a Thanksgiving party at her house where she was sexually abused by a cousin when she was still in diapers (she was not able to confirm this one way or the other). She shared the incident with me and then told me that every Thanksgiving as far back as she could remember she would have major vomiting episodes. Over the next 3 months without a diet change Paula lost 100 pounds and called off the third wedding. Her case seems almost physiologically impossible but I saw it myself.

Color Therapy Desensitization 2015

With the advent of more advanced computer technology we decided to revisit light therapy. We made 60 different color slides to view on a computer screen. The treatment procedure is as follows

1.      After checking the patient for dysbiosis, metals, foods, etc., see which of the colors cause an intact muscle to be inhibited. These colors should also block all (or almost all) your positive findings. If some do not, only prescribe the ones that do.

2.      Have the patient at home treat with the positive colors for a total of 20 minutes per session for 14 days (if there are 10 colors- treat 2 minutes per color, 8 colors 2-1/2 minutes per color etc.). Treatment should be in a dark room and the color should take up the whole computer screen. Warn them there is a chance they will have some memories come up during the session or in dreams. If a color seems to be significant while treating, they can increase the time on that color and for the session.

3.      In two weeks you should retest the colors for muscle inhibition. Usually none will weaken. If some do continue those for another week

4.      Once no colors weaken, use a weak indicator muscle and see which colors cause muscle facilitation. Treat as in step 2.

5.      Recheck 2 weeks later as in step 3.

6.      Continue until no colors cause muscle facilitation.

We hypothesize that this home treatment helps balance the sympathetic/parasympathetic nervous system as taught by Jacob Liberman. On a practical level most patients feel they have benefited from the treatment and we have found less recidivism of dysbiosis, metals, etc. Patients report being more emotionally stable. We also feel we may have corrected a patients receptivity to frequencies of the visible light spectrum as well as replenished deficiencies of some of the frequencies and as a result helped “heal” various traumas, organ function, etc. While sunlight has all the visible light frequencies, just like sometimes we need to prescribe a specific vitamin or mineral as opposed to a multi, in these cases we need to prescribe specific visible light frequencies.

Old technique vs new- pros and cons of each


Light therapy is a powerful technique to help your patient heal. Using colors that either inhibit or facilitate muscles in the above mentioned fashion can be a valuable home therapy the patient can do on their own to help stabilize their nervous system and decrease recidivism.


1.Dinshah, Darius Let There Be Light, Malaga NJ: Dinshah Health Society 1996

2.Babbit, Edwin Principles of Light and Color, Whitefish MT, Kessinger Publishing, 2010

3. Spitler, Harry The Syntonic Principle: Its Relation to Health and ocular, Eugene OR, Wipf & Stock Pub 2011

4.Ott, John Health and Light: The extraordinary study that shows how light affects your health and emotional wellbeing, Baltimore: Ariel Press Baltimore 2000

5. Liberman, Jacob Light Medicine of the Future: How we can use it to Heal Ourselves, Rochester VT Bear & Co, 1990

6. Lebowitz, Michael Spectra View Technique. ICAK Collected Papers   1993-4 Volume 1:248-250