VIAL TESTING- Michael Lebowitz DC


My first experience with vial testing was approximately 30 yrs ago. I had purchased some microbial nosodes as well as metals from a company in Germany as well as some homeopathic foods and metals from a US company. With AK testing we compared these to testing the actual substances in powdered form and found no correlation. Due to this finding we continued to just use raw materials to test. Every year or 2 we bought samples from other companies and the results continued to be disappointing.

Around the year 2000 a colleague introduced me to Lifework Potential, a company that no longer exists. I found that their vials correlated well with the real substances and I started using them. Their inventory was broader than my real substance inventory. As a result, I could test more stressors and my clinical outcomes improved even further.

Vials are energetic reproductions of actual substances be it stressors like microbes, chemicals, etc., or therapeutic substances. It is important to know what is the starting material the company used to make their vials- was it actual substances, a photo, a frequency generator? We strongly feel real substances yield most accurate readings. It is also important that the vials are immune to being damaged by magnetic or electromagnetic radiation.

What do the results mean?

Inhibition or hyper-facilitation of a strong indicator muscle indicates the patient’s reactivity to a stressor while something that simultaneously blocks this finding lessens the reactivity. Vials cannot be used to make a definitive diagnosis of disease. Vial findings may or may not correlate with lab tests as labs measure presence on a quantitative basis. For example, finding inhibition to a vial of glyphosate, the person might or might not have a high level on a urine test. Some people are reactive to small amounts that are insignificant to a majority of patients but clinically relevant to that patient thus a positive vial test but a negative lab test. The reverse can also be true. A high amount outside of the labs reference range may not be clinically significant if the person isn’t reactive to that substance.

Presence is academically interesting and gives clues but reactivity is often much more clinically relevant.

Other information

1.   Don’t accept any vial company at face value. Cross test the vials with real substances. Ask people you trust what their opinion of the company is and find out how the vials are manufactured.

2.   In our 20 years’ experience we found that testing vials under the south pole of a 2x5 magnet over GV20 or GV27 yields the most positive and accurate results. Sometime placement needs to be over a symptomatic area or you can get a false negative.

3.   Mixed vials-can save time and cover more in a visit. A major problem that can occur is that individual substances in a mix can negate each other. For example, cadmium can act as a chelator of mercury and thus will mask a positive mercury test within a mixed vial. Or lemon can mask a histamine reaction to strawberries and hide a positive test. We have found that mixed vials for foods, metals, biofilms and mycotoxins yield too many false negatives to be clinically useful, in many cases. We have also concluded that vials in a base of charcoal as opposed to water yield too many false negatives due to the charcoal’s therapeutic properties.

4.   Testing stressor vials brings neurologic recognition to the patient of the offending substance. Stressing the body in this fashion allows you to find more accurate therapeutic remedies, reflexes, etc.

5.   Certain categories of vials respond more frequently when tested versus specific muscles. We go into this in detail in our seminars.


Vial testing can be indispensable in the AK version of a functional medicine practice. Knowing exactly how to provoke a positive response, how to interpret what the response means, and what to do about it, can make you an extremely effective holistic physician.